Atrium Health

About this Provider Search

This Provider Search lists the health care providers that participate in the MedCost Network and are Atrium Health Providers.
MedCost has made every effort to maintain this network list and to keep it as up-to-date as possible. However, please note:

  • Providers are added and removed from the network on a daily basis.
  • Although a physician practice is listed as a participating provider, not every physician in that practice may be considered a participating provider within the network.
  • When scheduling an appointment at a physician’s office, hospital, or facility, it is important to verify that the provider you wish to see is currently participating in the network.

MedCost is providing this online Provider Search as a service only. MedCost is not responsible for actions taken by individuals accessing provider information on this Website.

If you have questions regarding a provider’s participation in the network, call MedCost Customer Service at: 1-800-824-7406

You should call MedCost Benefit Services (1-800-795-1023) when you need to know if your health plan covers a specific doctor’s visit or service, how much it will pay for a specific service, or whether your claim has been paid.

How to Use this Provider Search

After you have entered your zip code or city/state and selected the provider network, you have the following options available to search for a provider:

  • Provider Name Search: This search option allows you to search for a specific physician by Last Name, Practice Name, or Specialty. You may narrow your search by entering the Physician's First Name, City, State, Accepting New Patients, Board Certified, or Gender.
  • Facility and Ancillary Name Search: This search allows you to search by name or type. You may narrow your search by entering either the City or State.
  • Provider Radius Search: This search option allows you to search for a provider or facility located within a specified radius of your zip code by Specialty Type, Accepting New Patients, Board Certified, or Gender. This search is recommended for most users.
  • Create a Custom Directory: This search option allows you to search by Radius or Statewide.

About Atrium Health Network Tiers

Atrium Health is pleased to collaborate with MedCost to provide three provider network tier options for Atrium Health teammates and their families. The Value Network represents the exceptional providers and facilities of Atrium Health and discounted rates for LiveWELL Health Plan members. The Preferred and MedCost Networks are a broader group of providers and facilities who are throughout the region where Atrium Health teammates and their families live. Since 1984, MedCost has specialized in providing employers with cost-effective health care services. Today, the MedCost Network is the largest independent provider network in the Carolinas. MedCost negotiates with selected physicians, hospitals, and facilities to arrange for reduced fees on a broad range of medical services. That’s why using MedCost Network providers can result in savings for you and your family. By using an Atrium Health Value Network provider when one is available, will result in greatest out of pocket savings to you.

The following information, along with your health benefits plan, can assist you in making choices about your family’s health care needs.


A primary care physician is the patient’s medical coordinator. This doctor can provide most of your medical care. Specialty care is expensive, and sometimes unnecessary. A primary care physician is best able to determine when specialty care is necessary and will help you select a specialist when needed. This approach saves money for you and your family.

Selecting the primary care physician that is right for you is a personal decision. While the Atrium Health/MedCost Network does not require you to designate one physician for all of your primary care needs, we encourage you to establish a relationship with one physician. Your primary care physician can maintain your medical history and serve as your medical advocate. In evaluating the type of primary care physician that can best serve you and your family, you may wish to consider this information:

Family/General Practitioners provide a broad range of medical care for patients of all ages.
Pediatricians treat children.
Internists treat routine and complex conditions in adults.


Your primary care physician will determine when you need specialty care and will help you select a specialist when you need one. No referral form is necessary for specialty care. With the Atrium Health/MedCost Network you also have the option to choose specialty care without going to your primary care physician.


When you select a Atrium Health/MedCost Network hospital, your employer offers better benefits, saving you and your family money. PLEASE NOTE: When charges are incurred at a Atrium Health/MedCost Network hospital or facility, only the facility charges are subject to the negotiated network rates. Anesthesia, radiology, pathology, emergency medicine, and other professional services are only subject to network discounts if the physician that renders the service participates in the Atrium Health/MedCost Network. For non-participating physicians, benefits are paid at out-of-network rates.

Important information about certain providers and services…

CHIROPRACTIC PROVIDERS. Please review your plan provisions for benefit level coverage. Some plans have reduced benefit levels for these services.

MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDERS. Please review your plan provisions for benefit level coverage.

OBSTETRIC/GYNECOLOGY PROVIDERS. Please notify your obstetrician when pregnancy is confirmed to arrange an appointment. Some providers only accept OB patients during their first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy).

PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS (PAs) AND FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONERS (FNPs). Throughout this directory, you will notice PAs and FNPs listed at many provider locations or individually. Access to PA and FNP services may vary from practice to practice. When visiting a primary care office, you may first be seen by a PA or FNP. All PAs and FNPs work under the supervision of a physician. Call the provider’s office when you need care and the physician’s staff will decide whether a PA, FNP, or a physician should see you. It is important for you to know that services rendered by PAs and FNPs may not be covered under some health insurance plans. Please review your benefit coverage before scheduling an appointment.

URGENT CARE FACILITIES. Some urgent care facilities do not have physicians that can continue to follow a patient’s care when hospitalization is necessary. However, when hospitalization is necessary, the physicians at these facilities make every effort to assist in obtaining a referral to another participating Atrium Health/MedCost Network physician.

NON-COVERED SERVICES. Some Atrium Health/MedCost Network providers will extend discounted rates for services not covered by your health plan. Ask your health care provider if the MedCost discount will be honored.

TRANSPLANT SERVICES. Some plans do not provide coverage for transplant services unless performed at one of the facilities designated as “preferred” by their plan. Please check with your employer or insurance company to determine if your plan has designated certain providers for transplant services.

Important Note: When you arrive at the physician’s office, hospital, or facility, be sure to present your health insurance card, which states your participation in the Atrium Health/MedCost Network. Also, remind the insurance clerk that you are eligible for the Atrium Health/MedCost Network. Physicians, hospitals, and facilities must have this information to file your claim for you. Patients that do not identify themselves as participants in the Atrium Health/MedCost Network may not be eligible to receive the special rates MedCost has negotiated.

Frequently Asked Questions


Teammates covered by the Atrium Health Care Plan, along with their dependents, are automatically eligible for Atrium Health/MedCost Network benefits.


When you have questions, call the eligibility phone number listed on your insurance identification card.


You’ll save money. As a Atrium Health/MedCost Network patient, you’ll receive special discounted rates from participating providers. Savings begin the moment you seek care, so your out-of-pocket expenses will be less. All claims must be filed through MedCost Network to receive special discounted rates.

If you receive a service or treatment not covered by your health care plan, you may be asked to pay for that service at the time of your visit. Although you will have to pay for any service that is not covered, some Atrium Health/MedCost Network providers will extend discounted rates for services not covered by your health plan.


Yes. When you choose a Atrium Health/MedCost Network physician, hospital, or facility for treatment, your employer provides better benefits. These extra benefits save you even more money.


No. You and your covered dependents are free to choose any physician, hospital, or facility. However, when you select a Atrium Health/MedCost Network participating provider, you’ll save money and receive the extra benefits provided by your employer.


Yes, the Atrium Health/MedCost Network is easy to use because participating providers will file your claims for you. All you do is pay your part of the bill for any services or procedures not covered under your benefit plan. When you need medical care, simply use this Provider Search to find a participating physician, hospital, or facility. Your choice may be based on location, type of treatment, or upon recommendation from a friend.


MedCost has negotiated discounted rates with several reference labs. To avoid additional expense, ask your physician to use one of the Atrium Health/MedCost Network participating labs. Important: Review your plan provisions to determine if lab services are covered under co-payment plans. Lab services are not always eligible for the co-payment and may be subject to a deductible.


When you have a serious accident or life-threatening medical condition, your first responsibility is to seek immediate medical care. Advance approval is not required. However, you should notify your primary care physician within 48 hours of the incident so that your medical records can be updated.


When you need non-emergency medical care but are away from home, you do not need advance approval. It may be to your advantage to consult your physician by phone prior to treatment since your Atrium Health/MedCost Network primary care physician knows your medical history.